Monday, December 23, 2013

Top 10 of 2013: Best Books I've Read

It's kind of tough to think about picking my Top 10 this 2013 out of more than 100 books I've read this year. And it has been a wonderful reading year for me. Looking back, it's actually not as hard as I imagined to pinpoint the books that have left a huge mark in me. There are a lot of them. Now the problem is to choose 10 that tops it all. And I have mine here now! These book are the ones that made an impression that even though hundreds of books and days have passed since I last read it, just hearing about it again makes me travel back to that time when I am actually reading it.

So here they are:

10. Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers
Wow. Just. Wow. This is my first Courtney Summers book and I'm speechless. The way it was written - amazing. It shows a great perception of being in the main character's head: the perfect Parker Fadley - "cheerleading captain, girlfriend of the most popular guy in school, consummate teacher's pet, and future valedictorian who had fallen so far from grace".

9. Champion by Marie Lu
Legend is one of my most favorite dystopian series ever and it was sad reading the last book. Even sadder with the way it ended which isn't bad at all (5 stars - duh!) but still bittersweet. My heart's all twisty because of it.

8. The Diviners by Libba Bray
Another first for me this year! My first Libba Bray book and holy wow - hilarious, creepy, mysterious, dont-even-think-about-comparing-this-to-others kind of awesome all in 600 pages of amazing-ness. And no boring parts either. Ever read a book that makes you want to turn the pages as fast as you can because "Hello? What the hell happens next!" yet you try to read it as carefully as possible because you might miss a single word? Yeah..

7. Across A Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfreund
I absolutely loved For Darkness Shows the Stars and this companion did not disappoint. It was gorgeous and yep, that cover? You'll read about it in the book. Fantastic story, world-building, characters (I adore Persis and Justen) and romance.

6. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
One of my most favorite retelling and book-two-in-a-series this year! Possibly ever. I loved Cinder but I loved Scarlet twofold. Reasons? We have Cinder and Capt. Thorne to make us cry with laughter, Scarlet and Wolf for romance, the four of them combined for kick-assery and the whole galaxy at war to keep the action coming. Read my review.

5. Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
It might be more convincing if I say Unravel Me is my top 5 because of the writing style, the twists, the world-building, the romance, the supercool powers - which is true - but I'd give majority of the reason why this book was amazing to Warner. Trust me, that's not a fangirl speaking. But all those things I saw and loved in Warner since Shatter Me (despite his villain role there) will be found here. Heck yes, this is another book-two-in-a-series favorite. Read my review.

4. Unspoken by Sarah Rees Brennan
Seriously addicting. Page-turner, hilarious, heartbreaking.. a shitload of emotions is what I'm saying. One time you're clutching your stomach and laughing so hard.. and trying to stop your heart from ripping into two the next. Read my review.

3. The Faerie Prince by Rachel Morgan
I'm so sure The Faerie Prince is the best book-two-in-a-series I've read this year. It was so amazing I read the book thrice in a weekend. If that isn't enough proof, I don't know what is. Gahd! I love this book so so much. The character development was remarkable and the romance.. *sigh*. Oh, and did I mention how kick-ass this is? Read my review.

2. Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
THIS IS ONE GEM OF A BOOK. So lyrical and beautifully written. Wonderful execution of the story plus remarkable characters and one unforgettable night full of adventure and life. Graffiti Moon is amazing x 10000000000++! Read my review.

1. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

Boy, this book destroyed me. It made me cry so hard and left my heart hurting for weeks after. I haven't read a book that made me lost sleep like that. No, scratch that. I can't remember a book that affected me like Clockwork Princess did. It was beautiful, stunning, breathtaking and I don't care if they mean the same thing. I was so sad this series had to end and also sad that I've only gone halfway through City of Bones then abandoned it but at the same time happy that it did not discourage me from picking up The Infernal Devices. When I closed the book after reading Clockwork Princess it felt like a part of my life also ended. Man, I was a mess. Read my review.

That's it folks! What books made your top this 2013?


  1. In Shatter Me I liked Warner as a villain because he was so easy to hate, there were practically no redeemable qualities to him. Then I read Destroy me and I couldn't help but love him, and of course Unravel Me brought that to a whole new level (and that's only 50% of my fangirl speaking). Seeing how much you love the Legend series really makes me want to read Prodigy!

    Roxy @ Story Envy

  2. Nice list. Half of these I haven't read, but maybe I will get to them next year. Very nice. Champion sounds very good. Come check out my list as well.

    Books of Love

  3. Awesome list we have a lot of books in common! Thanks so much for taking part in the Top 10 of 2013! Looking forward to seeing the rest of your Top 10’s :D
    Jaime @ Two Chicks On Books

  4. Cracked Up to Be is amazing! I hardly ever see people mentioning the author's books, so I'm so incredibly glad to see it on your list!

  5. The Faerie Prince sounds amazing... I need to go find it!


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