Friday, July 31, 2015

Midyear Updates

Hello! I haven't been a very active blogger lately but since July is almost over I figured it's time to look back to all my goals this year and check out my progress. I meant to do this at the start of the month but as I've said, blogging slump.

Anyway, I have four major goals this 2015 (not including the one that says, "I have to read more").

1. Catch up on reading - and reviewing - my review copies.
2. Start and/or finish a series.
3. Annihilate my physical TBR.
4. Don't buy more books.

I only joined two reading challenges this year:


Awesome how they're both violet-themed, right? It's my favorite color. But I digress.

Currently, I am just indulging my reading mood and not attempting - yet again - to make and stick to a fixed TBR. I pick up any title that I want to read that's on my shelf, physical or otherwise. I don't want to risk falling back into a slump which I suffered these past months and recently just got out of eventhough I really don't have anything to worry about since I am 30 - 30! - books ahead of schedule.

I knew this year is going to be busy so I set my goal to reading 100 books and I intend to reach that by the end of August. I probably won't be setting it higher since by the start of September I will be at my busiest (heh) and I don't want to worry myself with catching up on anything and just be content with my reading pace especially with a limited time. And maybe it would be a good time to pick up those huge books I got:


If I manage to reach 150 at the end of 2015, though, I would be so freaking happy.

Now I have to focus on my Witches and Witchcraft RC. My goal is to read 6 - 10 witchy books and do you know how many I've read (and reviewed)? ONE. Like, wow. Someone pat my back.

My Goodreads Statistics (as of June 2015):

The average pages isn't really accurate since some of the books I read doesn't have the number of pages indicated in their profile and weren't counted (I guess), but nevertheless 268 is still good.

As of July 30, 2015:

Also, with regards to my goals, I told myself to take more notice of books that are not new releases especially books that were published more than 5 years ago or so. I'd say I did well. I even read one that was first published in 1989!

Let's talk about my major goals. I think I failed all of them. Well, not really since the year is not yet over but I only reviewed 18 books so far! Granted, I don't have that many books for review because I don't accept or request for copies (even if I badly want to) when I know I don't have a lot of time. Still... my Netgalley ratio is 27% (!!!!).

Catch up on reading - and reviewing - my review copies?

I read 4 series-enders so far this year although I am still hoping for Until the Beginning and P.S. I Still Love You to have a sequel.


And then I started AND finished two series.

You can read my review of Night Huntress HERE. I also picked up Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews hoping to add another to this list before I realized it's still a continuing series.

Start and/or finish a series?
I don't even want to look at numbers 3 and 4. They go hand in hand, those two. The last one is obviously not happening but as far as book buying ban goes... okay, nevermind. I had 108 unread physical books when the 2015 started. Now I have 156. UGHHHHHH! Whenever my cousins or my sister asks to borrow my books I lend them all my unread ones so they (the books) don't feel abandoned.

Annihilate my physical TBR? Don't buy more books?

How about you? How is 2015 (so far) for you?

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