Wednesday, July 1, 2015

June 2015 Reads + Monthly Recap

Whew! June was... I don't even know. I have a big project I'm working on (not book or blog related) and I'm definitely feeling the pressure but lately I've been feeling so unmotivated and slump-y. I actually have plenty of time on my hands right now - to read, to blog, to do other significant things. But all I wanna do is sleep, eat, listen to music, dance and watch random Youtube videos. I guess this is my brain's way of telling me to stop for a minute and let it rest?

There are so many books I started this June but didn't finish. Not intentionally. But once I put it down, I couldn't make myself pick it up again. And you should see all the drafts of blog posts I made but left unfinished. Ugh. My laziness and procrastinating habits are at its peak and it's stressing me out. I hope it goes away real soon.

Anyway, enough chit-chat. I haven't read that many books this past month or should I say: I didn't get to finish a lot. But I was able to read 8!


A Faerie's Secret by Rachel Morgan - 4 stars
Spellcaster by Claudia Gray - 2 stars
Storm Siren by Mary Weber - 2 stars
Inherit the Stars by Tessa Elwood - 3 stars
Number the Stars by Lois Lowry - 5 stars
Overruled by Emma Chase - 2 stars
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh - 4 stars
Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot - 4 stars
After the Bridge by Cassandra Clare - 1 star

The book of the month is, obviously, Number the Stars. I mean, wow, what an amazing Children's literature. Really disappointed with Overruled. I didn't like the main character but I was glad to see a cameo of Drew Evans in it :) Royal Wedding and The Wrath and the Dawn melted my heart. The romance in both books is just wonderful and Royal Wedding is overall full of sweetness and happy vibes. After the Bridge was bad. So bad.


Pitch Perfect 2 - FINALLY. I saw it back-to-back with The DUFF and I really loved it! Aw, and that ending was really heartwarming.


The DUFF - Another 'FINALLY'. I've been waiting to see this movie forever but they didn't show it in our cinemas so I had to wait longer for it. It was so different from the book like I assumed but I loved it. I adore Wesley and Bianca. They're so funny and Wesley is so freaking hot. Great actors, too!

Kingsman: Secret Service - I had a really great time watching this! It was so grotesque but fun. Hilarious, even. Does anyone else think Colin Firth looks younger and badass in this movie? I've never seen him like this.

June Blog Posts:

How about you? HOW DID YOUR MONTH GO? What books did you read?
It's JULY!!!! We are on to the second half of the year. Are not freaking out? I'm kind of freaking out. Time flies so fast these days. Or is that a sign of old age? Oh, gods.



    I bought The Wrath & the Dawn when I was in the US and I am SO. LOOKING. FORWARD. to it! Everyone I know has either adored it or really, really liked it, so I hope I do too :D

    1. I hope you do as well. It was a really great read. Once I started I couldn't make myself stop. It was addicting :)

  2. I'M FREAKING OUT. t just dawned on me the other day that my summer is already halfway over and I'M NOT READY. Just...NO.
    I read Inherit the Stars and The Wrath and The Dawn in June, too. TWatD was SO AMAZING. One of my favorites this year definitely.
    Also, I nominated you for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award! It would be great if you would hop on over and check it out - I would love to see your answers.
    Olivia @ Fluttering Pages

    1. We are all not ready for summer to be over. HAHA. Yay for TWaTD! That ending, though. I can't wait for The Rose and the Dagger. And thank you so much for nominating me! I will definitely head over and check it out :)


Please feel free to leave comments! I love knowing your thoughts and I will try to respond as much as I can. Don't worry! I don't bite. Just a little reminder, this blog is award free. Thank you and ENJOY! :)

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