Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I normally don't do tags and awards. I love answering questions and doing tags and I really appreciate everyone who includes my blog but I am the worst at tagging. I just end up saying: "I tag all of you" or "I nominate everyone." Laziest person ever. Anyway, this time I was nominated by Olivia of Fluttering Pages for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and I decided to do it because she is so nice and I'm actually looking forward to this so thank you so much, Olivia!

The Rules:

Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
Put the Award logo on your blog.
Answer the ten questions sent to you.
Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
Nominate ten blogs.

Question and Answer:

1. What is your favorite classic book?

I've read classic books but not many. We don't have a lot of required reading when I was in school and because we have a different curriculum they're usually short stories in World Literature. But I recently read Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and it was AMAZING.

2. How many bookshelves do you have? Are they currently overflowing? (because let’s face it, they probably are)

I have three! I can't fit one more book in any of them. Here is one:

And a portion of my bedroom floor looks like this:

They're all books. Inside those boxes are books. Some are still inside their packages (already opened, obviously). More books...

3. What is your favorite friendship/platonic relationship in any book?

Definitely one that's genuine. Not like those friendships that are destroyed for the sake of popularity and such. I really, really hate that. Sure, friends come and go all the time but for reasons like that? Ugh. I value books with great friendships in them. Oh, and just because it's a girl and boy friendship doesn't mean there is something more going on there. Ryan and Becky in Kelly Oram's Jamie Baker series, for instance :)

4. Which characters from a book would you love to see thrown into the modern world? (Throne of Glass, Lunar Chronicles, Hunger Games, etc..) And why?

Hmm.. Can't think of anyone. Oh! I read Puddle Jumping by Amber Johnson a few days ago and I definitely want to see Colton and Lilly in real life. They're not characters from a fantasy or sci-fi book and their story is already realistic but I really, really want to see them together with my own eyes. And then I'd hug Colton. Also, Oryn from The Creepy Hollow series. I might need a friend to restart my heart for this experience.

5. What are the top 3 books on your TBR right now that you’re dying to read?

Faking Normal by Courtney C. Stevens - I already own a copy of this book but it's somewhere in those packages/boxes (see picture above) and right now I don't have the energy to dig through them,
Court of Fives by Kate Elliot and The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow.

6. Favorite TV shows?

Game of Thrones, Chuck, The Big Bang Theory

7. What are you most looking forward to this summer?

Well, my summer is more than seven months away so... But I'm definitely looking forward to travelling and more time with my books :)

8. What was your most recent five star read?

Number the Stars by Lois Lowry

9. Give a shout out/recommendation to an underrated book that not a lot of people have heard of.

The Book of Ivy by Amy Engel
The Rephaim Series by Paula Weston
The Dispossessed Trilogy by Page Morgan

10. Who would be your godly parent? They could be Greek (Percy Jackson), Roman (Heroes of Olympus), Egyptian (Kane Chronicles), or Norse (Magnus Chase) and why?

They're Greek that's for sure. I'm more on the creative side of the scale than I am a warrior. I'd say Athena. I love arts and craft and I definitely love to read :)

Questions I'll be passing along:
  1. What book did you not expect to love but did?
  2. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader? How many books do usually you read in a month?
  3. What is your favorite quote at the moment?
  4. What are you currently reading?
  5. Your top 3 books so far this year?
  6. What is the status of your bookshelf? Overflowing, just right, chaotic, pretty...
  7. What are the books you recently added on your shelf?
  8. Are you the kind of reader who sticks to your TBR?
  9. What is your favorite food? Anything you are craving for right now?
  10. Name one or more books you badly want to read but find intimidating.
I nominate:

Yes, I know, terrible at tagging. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to reading your answers so I hope you have time to do this tag.

Again, thank you so much Olivia. I had fun doing this :)


  1. Thank you dear :) I'll do this tag soon :)

    1. You're welcome. Can't wait to see your post :)

  2. I like your completely-packed bookshelf - having full bookshelves is a pretty good indicator that you're a good person. :) And Athena would definitely be a good parent!

    Thanks for tagging me - I'll see if I can find time to put a post together, what with school starting up again in about a week. *cries*

    1. You're welcome, Emily :) I hope you find that time - I'd love to see your answers. But I completely understand if you can't. School can monopolize time like nobody's business.

  3. Omg! I love that 'completely-packed bookshelf'!!! You have so many books still inside their packages! Haha!

    PS. Omg, I still need more books so that I can have full bookshelves so that it could be a good indicator that I'm a good person! XD Just kidding.

    -Kristelle @ Amiabooklover

    1. LOL. Thanks, Kristelle. They're already opened. I just don't have a proper place to put them yet so I just put them back.

  4. Thank you so much for nominating me! I already did it, and had really fun. Here is the link if you want to check it out:http://www.confessionsofabookfreak.blogspot.se/2015/07/sisterhood-of-world-bloggers-award.html

  5. Oh, you got me curious about the Creepy Hollow series ;-)
    Thanks for the award! See my answers here

    1. It's really good! Especially for an indie-published book.
      You're welcome :)


Please feel free to leave comments! I love knowing your thoughts and I will try to respond as much as I can. Don't worry! I don't bite. Just a little reminder, this blog is award free. Thank you and ENJOY! :)

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