Thursday, November 5, 2015

November TBR

Today is a holiday. Woo-hoo! We are on the 5th day of November already but I am just now making my TBR post. That is because I haven’t picked up any book since this month started (well, I have, but they were rereads) to even contemplate about a TBR pile. I went back to my hometown for the Halloween weekend and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get any reading done because most of those time would be spent talking to people. I rarely visit anymore (and only for a night at most) because of school, and now work, so I didn’t want to start anything when I can’t sit and focus on it anyway. Then I had to catch up with some work when I got back in the city and – ahhhhh – this month is already so exhausting. I can’t bear to think that I won’t be having any Christmas break *cries*

So earlier I decided to start reading Saga by Brian K. Vaughn. I'm only about to start chapter two but I am already really liking it so I am probably reading this series for the rest of the week.


And of course I am reading my most anticipated releases this November:


Last month I was hoping to read five books for this challenge but I was only able to read 3 and a half and only reviewed two of them.


This is actually a pretty ambitious list considering my schedule this month which is pretty much 95% work but I am being optimistic here or else I’d go crazy.

Well, here’s to hoping I get to read them all this month. Ha! I wish... Half of this, at least. Oh, and if anyone here is interested in joining a Book Gift Exchange please check THIS out.

What books are you reading this November?


  1. WOW! You've got a lot on your plate! They all look so DELICIOUS! I'm so behind on reading "popular" books, and I've been dying to catch up! Good luck with reading, work and school!


    1. Me, too! I "tried" voting for the Goodreads Choice Awards last night and in every category I've read only one or two of the books nominated, or none at all.

      Thanks, Lisa!

  2. Star Cursed! I love, love, love the Cahill Witch Chronicles series, and a witchy reading challenge sounds wonderful. I hope you manage to tackle all these books despite your busy schedule - it seems ambitious, but you can do it. :)

    By the way, thanks for your comment on my review of The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly! I'm glad you liked the list format - it was refreshingly different to write a review in a a new style.

    1. I LOVE Born Wicked. I read it almost three years ago but I still haven't picked up Star Cursed. Haha. Thanks! I probably won't be able to read all of these books 'cause I'm pretty sure I'll be straying from this list again but I am hopeful :)

  3. SHATTERED BLUE!!!! I read the ARC, and LOVED it!! I hope you do too!

    1. Thanks! That's good to hear. I'm really excited to read it :)

  4. Oh, I am so excited to read Winter! Definitely my most anticipated book this month. I absolutely loved the previous books and I can't wait to read Winter, although it is sad it will be over after that.
    I read Born Wicked after a friend recommended it to me, but I was really disappointed in it, so I probably won't be continuing the series anytime soon.

    1. Same here. But Winter is an 800-page monster so it will take a while to finish it and not end too soon :) I loved Born Wicked. I read it a really long time ago and I don't really know why I still haven't picked up the second book.


Please feel free to leave comments! I love knowing your thoughts and I will try to respond as much as I can. Don't worry! I don't bite. Just a little reminder, this blog is award free. Thank you and ENJOY! :)

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