Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Guys Reading Books (1)

I know plenty of guys who read books, personally. But the idea sometimes come as a really surprising one when you associate it to someone who you can't picture ever doing it [reading] on occasions other than in a school setting. Or work. Also, it's not unheard of that plenty of men, guys and boys don't really like to read. And it makes me happy inside to be surprised when it comes to guys being interested in books I do like.

Here's an example. My cousin loves to read and like my sister, she keeps asking me for books I highly recommend. One time, she asked me if I have Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, if it's good and if I could lend her my copy. I told her yes and bought the first two books at school the following day.

When she finished, she texted me if I have Destroy Me (yup) and since we have different class schedules that time, that I'd give it to her boyfriend (who is not a reader) instead. I gave it to him and a few hours later, HE texted me. He asked me if he could borrow the other books in the series and I'm like, what? Why? And he told me that he read Destroy Me before giving it to my cousin because he thought it was the first book. But it's not so can I please, please lend him any format of Shatter Me I own.

The next day in class, my cousin gave me back Shatter Me and when her boyfriend saw, he grabbed the book and told me that he would take really good care of it. Just let him borrow it. I was amused. I asked him: "You liked Destroy Me that much?" His answer (complete with hand gestures): "I really liked the idea of the love triangle."

For someone who doesn't read a lot (esp YA books), the first thing to grab his attention is the love triangle. Me and my cousin had a good laugh - partly because of his answer and partly because of the mock sheepishness on his face. He did read the book though I forgot to ask him how it was. Any experiences like this you'd like to share? Comment below.

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