Wednesday, October 2, 2013

September Reads + Monthly Recap

I'm a little disoriented today. I actually had a funny start this morning but I blame that on my major class that starts way too early (7.20AM). Anyway, time for the monthly recap! There's only one word that can sum up my September. CRAZY. Let me count the ways.

1. First week of September was our midterm exams. You know the drill: deadlines, late night studying, etc..

2. The weekend of our exam, even though we're still running low on sleep, was spent on a resort for one of our club's biggest activity this semester. It was fun but exhausting since the few of us who stayed there since Friday night for preparations only got, like, 45 minutes of sleep.

3. The following week was dedicated to meetings and preparations for the University Week.

4. Next was University Week! In another world, this news should be amazeballs since it meant classes are suspended for a week. Lots of fun time for freshmen but not for upperclassmen like me. Besides the fact that it's endterm and most of us takes this free time to work on all our projects, now it's topped with organizing and attending seminars, working on extra-curricular projects for club exhibit.. I got sick on the last day of the event and for a few days after that.

5. The weather was crazy, as well.

6. After a week free of classes and we're back to a much harried pace of studying with the looming end-of-semester. Projects left and right. Exam papers were returned and midterm grades were announced. My sister's birthday (heh).

7. And then there was GDG (Google Developers Group) DevFest! It was awesoooome.

*photos by: Marianne Suba and GDG Bacolod

So my blogging days was more random than any. I was only able to write and post 2 reviews:

Review: Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead
Review: The Opportunist by Tarryn Fisher

A few cover talks when I desperately wanted to make a post but didn't have much time (I find them easier to talk about compared to reviews which can take a couple of hours)

Cover Changes + Book Cover Battle: The Fury Trilogy by Elizabeth Miles
Cover Reveal: Dreams of Gods and Monsters
Cover Revealed: The One by Kiera Cass

..and other random topics

August Reads + Monthly Recap
It's Friday! Way to state the obvious, right?
From Page to Film: The Book Thief
2013 TBR Pile September Mini Challenge: Character Mini-Bio

I wasn't able to read that many books but I did good, considering.

I was hoping to finish the three remaining books I am currently reading before September ends but I didn't so hopefully next week.

Best thing that happened to me:

Largest monthly haul ever!

Me and My Bookshelf (13): July Book Haul
Me and My Bookshelf (14): National Book Store Cut Price Book Sale Edition
Me and My Bookshelf (15): Review Copies Edition
Me and My Bookshelf (16): Last of my September Book Haul

Crazy, right? I can't believe it's October! I feel weird whenever I hear Christmas songs or see countdowns on TV. I'm like, why are they playing these songs? 'Coz it doesn't feel like we're that close to 2014. Really. Or maybe I'm just dreading my 'not-being-a-teen-anymore' day. lol.

Finals will be the week after next so I guess it's the same scenario again. I can't wait for sembreak. But first, survive these last few weeks of class. I'm thinking of not doing one of my projects; it's not a requirement anyway - just an exemption in my final exam if we can present a working device. We have to do voice recognition and I think it will take up a lot of time especially with other projects in line.

So that's all of it! Happy October! :)


  1. You scored some great buys during the NBS sale! I envy you.

    1. Agreed. The result of hopping from one NBS to another :) That's 4 branches in total. LOL. Thanks for stopping by!


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