Saturday, June 29, 2013

Me and My Bookshelf (12)

This is where I feature the books I received, bought, gifted or won that are newly added in my physical shelf, which means no e-books and the like. It is usually posted on Saturdays.

From now on, Me and My Bookshelf will be featuring my monthly haul. I don't get that many books in a week, sometimes nothing, and sometimes I get a month's worth in one day. It all depends on when they arrive in the mail, when I have money, or when I have time to go to the bookstore. Like last month (May), I haven't bought anything. Um, wowza. I just realized last week when I was thinking of posting this meme and well, yeah, that's really good news especially with the book buying limit and all. It helped that I was always on the road most of the time that month so instead of buying more books to compensate I did.. nothing. I saved my money. This month I still bought not more than 5 books which is my max. Yey!


I bought these two at National Book Store. I'm so excited to read The 5th Wave and I've heard a lot of good things about it but now that it's here, I decided to include it in my TBR Jar. I'm pretty sure I'm not going to pick it up for a while to prolong the moment and whatever crap my mind might come up with. Like, WHAT IF I find it's really really good and it ends with a massive cliffhanger? What then? You're going to make me wait? So I'm just going to read it if it's what I've randomly picked from my jar. Oh please, don't let it be the first one. We'll find out next week!

I actually read The Son of Neptune last last year but my reading copy was only borrowed. I love this series and I love Rick Riordan so of course I will buy my own. I already have The Mark of Athena so I was looking for copies of the first two in the series of the same edition but then these mass market paperbacks started coming out and it was so hard to find the first paperback edition. So when I unexpectedly saw it on display, no hesitation.

These beauties came in the mail last Thursday from Fully Booked. One of my most favorite series ever! I read Shade and Shift last last year as well and Shine was released just this 2012. Reading them was a riot of emotions and I wouldn't mind a re-read. Not at all. I've been shoving these books to my sister's face since I started it but she doesn't read much e-books so when I showed her the package she was squealing and saying: "I can finally read it!" and I'm like: "That's why I bought it." but really, I just want them in my shelf. Ha!

In my mail:
I got an ARC of Everything Breaks and Phoenix from the publisher. I really liked Pheonix. You can read my review here. Thanks to the authors and publisher for the copies!

Lots of thanks to Rachel of Fiktshun for this book! I'll save my cover change views for sometime in the future but I love Shades of Earth's cover. It's really pretty in person. You should buy your own copy so you can see for yourself *waggles eyebrows*. Really, it's beautiful aside from the fact that it's a whole lot different from the previous two. Also, the spine without the dust jacket is gorgeous.

See? Just think how good it would look on your shelf. I should probably stop now. You guys got anything new on your shelf for me to see? Leave a link below!

Books mentioned:

PS I ramble a lot, don't I? Man, I'm thinking if it's a good thing to make a video of my hauls instead. Hmm.. Nah, I'm camera shy. My ramblings won't be as long and I will probably be stuttering the entire time.


  1. Nice haul! :D Enjoy your books. =)
    I need to read The 5th Wave soon... Some books just keep getting in my way. :P

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2. Awesome haul, tons of exciting books! I loved Phoenix, and I'm excited to get my hands on The 5th Wave! Enjoy!

    Become Blogger of the Week!


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