Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Be Part of THE LIST

Calling all bloggers!
Calling all bloggers!
Entangled needs you! *points at you*
Be part of The List.

Here's what you need to know:
One of my awesome publicists at Entangled is compiling a list of bloggers.
Here are the requirements:
+ Do you have a blog?
+ Do you love to review books?
+ Do you want access to books before they release?

If your answers to these questions is a resounding "YES" then you're the right blogger for the job.

We want you! Now's a great time to join The List.
If you want to be a part of The List, here's what you have to do:

1. Add Til Death to your Goodreads TBR pile:


2. Leave the following in the comments section here:

a. Your Name
b. Your Blog URL
c. Your Goodreads Name
d. Your Email Address

Additional Option: URL to your blog post about this call for bloggers.

Priority will be given to those who help spread the word by creating a post on this call for bloggers on their blog. *smiles*

If you have any questions, head over here and let them know in the comments section and they'll reply right away.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity.

Be part of The List today.

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