Saturday, May 7, 2016

April 2016 Reads + Monthly Recap:

There's not much to recap. The bad news is -- I had A TON of work to finish this April and a lot more this May so it's going to be another busy month. Summer is going end very soon and I haven't had a proper vacation yet. I haven't even read the books on my summer to-be-read list as I planned to do for most of my time during vacation. Not only because of the pile of work waiting for me but also because I was in a huge reading slump. Talk about a stressful summer.

The good news is... I'm finally out of the slump. Care to guess how that happened? The looming deadlines and the amount of unfinished work, of course. That's when the procrastination level reaches its peak and your unread books suddenly looks oh-so-good. So this April I was able to read 9 books and 2 novellas despite the reading slump that I still suffered when the month started.

The Winner's Kiss (The Winner's Trilogy, #3) Radiance (Wraith Kings, #1) Red-Headed Stepchild (Sabina Kane, #1)

Shadowland (The Mediator, #1) Ninth Key (The Mediator, #2) Reunion (The Mediator, #3) Every Girl's Dream (The Mediator, #3.5) Darkest Hour (The Mediator, #4)

The Mirror & the Maze (The Wrath and the Dawn, #1.5) Something About You (FBI/US Attorney, #1) Demon Queen: Demon Kingdom Fairy Tales Book Three

April Blog Posts:

That is all for now. Here's hoping I get a lot more sleep and also plenty of reading time soon. Have a great day!


  1. Wow, 9 books! Nice to know you're out of your slump. Wish I could read that much in a month (I'm trying, right now though). I hope you get to have your relaxing summer vacation soon :)

    1. We all wish to be able to read faster! haha.. So many books, so little time.

      Thanks for stopping by, czai! :)

  2. Glad to hear you are out of the slump! That can be tough. I like your haul. And I managed to get Mirror and the Maze now.
    side note: I love the Doon series ;-)

    1. Yes! I'm really looking forward to reading Doon and I also heard great things about it on Goodreads. Thanks!

  3. Something About You is a wonderful book. I hope you enjoy it.
    Have a great week!

    1. I did! It was a really enjoyable read. Thanks, Lauren :)


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