Friday, October 3, 2014

September 2014 Reads + Monthly Recap

THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY! Two more weeks and this semester is no more. That also means I only have one week left to finish my projects and then finals but whatever. I am so looking forward to break. And then maybe I'll have more time to read and catch-up to my reading challenges because, holy molly, we only have three months left until 2015 and I am oh so behind. Right now I'm happy with the number of books I've read so far but it would be fantastic if I achieve my goal of reading 150 books this year. Also, I'm just dying to be able to read without interruptions. It's been a long time since I was able to do that. Anyway, this September I read 11 books which was a surprise since it's not often that I find the time to sit and read these days except - occasionally - for an hour or two before I sleep (provided I'm not too exhausted to fall asleep in the middle of it) but I guess I did.

September Reads:


I had more books picked up this September but I had to leave them unfinished halfway. With all the seriousness and headaches of my classes I was constantly in search of light and fun reads thus the amount contemporaries on my September list.

September posts:

Happy Friday! ;)

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