Monday, July 4, 2016

June 2016 Reads + Monthly Recap

I have been dreading this wrap-up ever since June ended. I didn't want to look at my reading challenge meter because I knew I wouldn't like it. Well, it's been long enough. It's time to face the music.

*heads over to Goodreads*


How wonderful. So I was only able to read 2 books in June. TWO! WTF?! Okay, so technically, I read a lot of books but they were all rereads. STILL. I reread ALL THE TIME! I can't remember ever reading only TWO FREAKIN' BOOKS that's not a reread in a month. Even on the busiest months while I was still in school! *cries* Now I'm 18 books behind schedule. Ugh.

Wanderlost The Darkest Corners

Well, there they are. At least they were great books.

June 2016 Blog Posts:

Feel free to leave your monthly wrap-up links in the comment section below. Will be glad to check them out. Have a great week!


  1. Don't be too hard on yourself! Rereads should be considered as being productive too!

    1. Haha. Yeah... It's just that I have a lot of other books I have to read in my TBR. Books that I WANT to read :( It's frustrating that I can't seem to pick them up even though I want to. It doesn't make any sense. LOL.

  2. We're ony halfway through the year, I know you can still catch up with your reading challenge!


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