Today is a holiday. Woo-hoo! We are on the 5th day of November already but I am just now making my TBR post. That is because I haven’t picked up any book since this month started (well, I have, but they were rereads) to even contemplate about a TBR pile. I went back to my hometown for the Halloween weekend and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get any reading done because most of those time would be spent talking to people. I rarely visit anymore (and only for a night at most) because of school, and now work, so I didn’t want to start anything when I can’t sit and focus on it anyway. Then I had to catch up with some work when I got back in the city and – ahhhhh – this month is already so exhausting. I can’t bear to think that I won’t be having any Christmas break *cries*
So earlier I decided to start reading
Saga by Brian K. Vaughn. I'm only about to start chapter two but I am already really liking it so I am probably reading this series for the rest of the week.