Saturday, May 30, 2015

Me and My Bookshelf (31)

This is where I feature the books I received, bought, gifted or won that are newly added in my physical shelf, which means no e-books and the like, and recount epic book hauling stories. It is usually posted on Saturdays.

The time I stop buying books will never arrive but at least I'm not spending as much these days. I'd say it's progress. This May I bought 9 books but only 2 of those are in this haul. I have five coming in the mail in a couple of days and two more in a month but I'll save them for another time.


The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen - I saw a hardcover copy online for only half of its original price including shipping and couldn't pass up the deal. I read this book more than a year ago, loved it so much and wanted to own a physical copy ever since.

Bruised by Sarah Skilton - Got the hardcover for $2. I'm including this in my June TBR. Hoping this is as kick-ass as it sounds.


I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You by Ally Carter - I swapped one of my books for the first book in the Gallagher Academy series. Only missing books 2 and 6 to complete my collection! The sender was nice enough to include another book (Return to Sender) in the package but I haven't heard anything about so we'll see.


Thank you so much HarperCollins for these ARCs. I already read Until the Beginning by Amy Plum and will be posting my review in a couple of days. I'm reading Endangered by Lamar Giles this June and my review will also follow so watch out for that.

What books did you recently get? Leave your links below!


  1. ooo, got me interested in Bruised. I can send you Ally Carter's book 2 if you like, Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy. Just let me know. vvb32 at Have a good reading week :-)

    1. That would be amazing but I live in the Philippines and international shipping is costly (if you're not anywhere near me). It's so sweet of you to offer though. Thank you ;)

  2. I haven't actually heard of these books but Endangered sounds intriguing enough :) Hope you enjoy these books. <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

    1. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to Bruised and Endangered.

  3. I have BRUISED but I haven't read it yet! If I'm free, let's buddy read? :D

  4. I've been hearing tons of amazing things about The False Prince! Enjoy your books.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  5. Can you recommend me some great online shops? Proud Pinoy here hehehehe

    1. These are the online shops I frequent: Keeping8simpleonline, Printed Words and Books For Keeps. You can find them on Facebook. They're legit sellers. Keeping8simpleonline is also great for preorders outside the country :)


Please feel free to leave comments! I love knowing your thoughts and I will try to respond as much as I can. Don't worry! I don't bite. Just a little reminder, this blog is award free. Thank you and ENJOY! :)

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