Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 2015 TBR

*This post was previously titled April 2015 TBR. I didn't realize until 4 hours and a dozen social media shares later. It's MAY. Dammit. Sorry for the wrong links I left on your comments or feed :)

Guess this means summer is officially over? It’s been raining a lot since last week and there was that one freaking scary thunder yesterday that I wouldn't have noticed because I had my earphones on with the volume up, but it was so loud it made me jump so high and run for cover because I literally felt the house shake and I was oh-so-alone (everyone's talking about it). Though it’s still unbelievably hot whenever the sun is out and shining. Oh, well.

I’m calling this month's TBR endeavor... operation finish that series. Or duology, trilogy, whatever. But I’m only including five in this list since I know for a fact that I usually – usually? try always – don’t stick to my list. That way I have plenty of room for other books whenever the reading mood deviates. Furthermore, these are series enders so that makes it much harder for me to accomplish.


I already started Relish so the progress is good so far. I hope I'll be able to keep it up and do well this time. We will see by the end of May.

In addition, I have three books from last month I wasn't able to finish to it's also included in this month's pile.


Check out the books I read in April HERE or follow me on Goodreads for more reviews.

What books are you going to read this month?


  1. Let me just say that all the covers rock! Great list. I want to read rebel too but I'm not sure I'm going to do that this month :)

    Sofia @ SofiaLovesReading

  2. Love the idea of Operation Finish That Series. I must confess to have abandoning some series, but this summer I may go around and finish some off!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen at YA Romantics

  3. It's your brain telling you it should be April. I mean...HOW IS IT MAY ALREADY? I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Rebel!!! I really liked that series ender. I hope you do too.

  4. You read some great books last month! I have so many trilogies and series I need to finish it isn't even funny! I really need to stop starting new ones but I can't help it, there are so many out there I want to try!

  5. Prisoner of Night and Fog is an amazing read! The perspective it takes on Hitler and the events of World War 2 is so fascinating. I'm curious to see what you'll think of Willowgrove and The Wondrous and the Wicked. Those are two series I also need to finish :) Good luck with your TBR!


Please feel free to leave comments! I love knowing your thoughts and I will try to respond as much as I can. Don't worry! I don't bite. Just a little reminder, this blog is award free. Thank you and ENJOY! :)

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