By that I meant my physical bookshelf. According to my trusty list, I now have 222 books. Okay, time to fess up. I have way more than 222 books. Encyclopedia sets, text books (lots and lots of them), books I had since I was a child, mass market paperbacks, e-books, etc.. Yes, I love collecting books. Even my textbooks I wouldn’t give away. I would let people borrow them as long as they return it and frown when I see creases on it. But, oh well.
Moving on, these 222 are the books that make up my personal collection I started 3 years ago – books I bought myself, won in giveaways, received for review… you know the gist.
Paperback - 128
Hardcover - 77
ARCs - 17
ToBeRead – 108
They’re not actually unread books. My sister has read a lot of the books that are still in my TBR pile. Unread books by me, to be appropriate. And that’s a lot. So for this year I vow not to buy any more unless I make a serious dent on that pile. My mom’s words but I couldn’t agree more. Let’s see how long I last.
And aside from that problem, there is also the matter of shelf space.
This is one of my shelves. It looks peaceful to the untrained eye but behind the scene are boxes and piles of books covering my bedroom floor. I could buy another shelf or my dad could make me one but the question is, where the heck am I gonna place it?
I know that feeling well. I probably could use another bookshelf in my room but I honestly have no idea how I could sneak one in. There's just not enough space. So I tend to do tons of reorganizing. I've been purging a lot of my books too lately and that has helped. I've found it amazing how many I own and haven't read that at the time of purchase I was so excited for and now I have absolutely no interest in them. I still have tons of TBR books but I feel better knowing they're all titles I'm excited to read. I hope you're able to make a dent in your stacks too! Happy reading!