(In the After #2)
by Demitria Lunetta
Published: June 24, 2014
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The thrilling conclusion to In the After, the survival story of Amy and Baby, set in a near future where Earth has been overrun by vicious, predatory creatures.
It’s been three months since Amy escaped New Hope, and she’s been surviving on her own, like she did in the After. Until one day, her former fellow Guardian’s voice rings out in her earpiece. And in a desperate tone, Kay utters the four words Amy had hoped she would never hear: Dr. Reynolds has Baby.
Now it’s a race against time, for Baby is in imminent danger, her life threatened by the malevolent doctor who had helped start the end of the world. In order to save Baby, Amy must make her way to Fort Black, a prison-turned-survivor-colony, where she will need to find Ken, Kay’s brother. He alone holds the key to Baby’s survival.
One small slip-up on this quest could spark a downward spiral that would not only cost Baby and Amy their lives, but threaten the very survival of the people in the After.
A little recap of In the After first. A few things stood out when I read it. It was a book about zombies, a fact I didn't know before I started reading it. I don't read a lot of zombie books but I liked In the After. I thought it was different and kind of refreshing. Also, the main character kick's ass and I admired her relationship with Baby and how they survived the After together. But what really stood out and I wouldn't ever forget while reading In the After was that I fainted in the middle of it. It wasn't because of the gruesomeness, if you're wondering. Health reasons. That aside, even if it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, I still gave it 3 stars.
In the End disappointed me. I was excited to start it but not long after, my mind began to wander far from what I was reading. The moment I noticed that, I keep wondering what the point of the story was in the first place because it drags. I also did not like Amy. She made a lot of rash decisions and her attitude overall was ugh!
Then comes the romance. I wasn't a fan of it in the first book but I thought it was nice-ish. Now? Not so much. No chemistry. In a love triangle! Nothing on both sides. Na-da. It may also be the reason why I was annoyed of all the "I'm not leaving you" crap. There's a lot of it.
The end didn't help any. I might have been teary when it came to Baby's situation and what they did to her but the ending almost made me want to punch myself. I mean, WHAT THE HECK? That's it? You faced a lot of people-eating-zombies, dealt with evil guys, spent time in prison, lost loved ones and all you had in the end was the reason why these two people were immune to Florae bites and the man behind it all tied up and stashed in a BROOM CLOSET?! Are you effin' kidding me?
Don't even get me started on how the love triangle was "resolved".
Awww, wish the sequel was better. I hate that. I would like to try the first book though.
ReplyDeletehey manag harayaaa!
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