Well, if you ask me, my most favorite contemporary last year was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and If I Stay and Where She Went by Gayle Forman. TFiOS wasn't very popular yet when I read it so there was no hype and high expectations. Just pure amazing-ness. And If I Stay was an impulse buy/read. I just saw it at a bookstore and thought "I HAVE to buy this" then later that day our trip back home was delayed so I read it at the terminal while waiting. That's where I found one of the "love of my life"-s. So yes, I would love to recommend these YA Contemporaries I've read so far THIS YEAR.

"Mum says when wanting collides with getting, that’s the moment of truth."
This book is so beautiful and hilarious, lyrical and inspiring, and many more. I gave this my full 5 stars and recommended it to everyone who would listen. My sister loves it so much we ended up discussing it from page 1 to ending until we fell asleep. She recommended it to her friends who loved this as well. Read my full review HERE.

I live in a world without magic or miracles. A place where there are no clairvoyants or shapeshifters, no angels or superhuman boys to save you. A place where people die and music disintegrates and things suck. I am pressed so hard against the earth by the weight of reality that some days I wonder how I am still able to lift my feet to walk.
A really intense read. Also heartbreaking. Read my full review HERE.

"Yes. Your dad couldn't understand how you girls could ever be homesick, especially after the way you were living. But I could. We make attachments to what's familiar. We find the beauty, even in the lack. That's human. We make the best of what we're given."
An amazing debut novel and eye-opener. I really love the characters and the bond between them. Read my full review HERE.

“War is sweet to those who have never fought”
This book made me laugh and cry at the same time right from the start. I've never read a book that made me cry 12 pages in. Only this (well, there's Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready but only because it started where book 2 ended which I cried a river over). It's a touching story. And the romance is adorable ;)

“But sometimes life gives us those rare moments where we do see chance as it’s happening. And in those moments, we have a choice. And sometimes we have to take a risk. And it’s scary. It makes us vulnerable. But I know now it’s worth it.”
Golden is a great love story. I didn't really expect to love this but I did. I'm so glad I read it. It made me cry so hard. It was like unraveling history and heartbreak of wrong and right choices while making your own. I really wish there is a sequel to this book because I want more Trevor.

“Point is, maybe some people wouldn't want to be around me all day, but there are people out there who would. And they're smart and funny. And they like some of the same things I like and hate some of the things I hate, but they also introduce me to all kinds of new things. That's as close to 'meant to be' as I can imagine.”
The main character gets on my nerves sometimes but I don't hate her for that because that's who she really is. The story takes place while on a school trip to London. It's a fun read. Also I love Jason so much. He made this book reread worthy.
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