(The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten #2)
by Julie Kagawa
Published: October 29, 2013
In the real world, when you vanish into thin air for a week, people tend to notice.
After his unexpected journey into the lands of the fey, Ethan Chase just wants to get back to normal. Well, as "normal" as you can be when you see faeries every day of your life. Suddenly the former loner with the bad reputation has someone to try for-his girlfriend, Kenzie. Never mind that he's forbidden to see her again.
But when your name is Ethan Chase and your sister is one of the most powerful faeries in the Nevernever, "normal" simply isn't to be. For Ethan's nephew, Keirran, is missing, and may be on the verge of doing something unthinkable in the name of saving his own love. Something that will fracture the human and faery worlds forever, and give rise to the dangerous fey known as the Forgotten. As Ethan's and Keirran's fates entwine and Keirran slips further into darkness, Ethan's next choice may decide the fate of them all.
I wonder if there will ever be any other faery world I'd love to be a part of than Nevernever. Seriously, there are a lot of versions of it but when I hear it in other books there's only one I picture - Julie Kagawa's. I can't get enough of it - the world-building, the characters, the magic, the story.. I finish Meghan and Ash and Puck's story and.. more. I finish the first part of Ethan's story and.. MORE. And here is that 'MORE' I was wishing for, this time focusing on Meghan and Ash's son, Keirran, and the role he will play in the possible destruction of the faes.
I really like Keirran. Sure, he is stubborn but if you look behind that you'll see the human part of himself who who has a really, really big heart willing to do everything for the one he loves, even if it meant defying every law of faery. He's very determined and you know where he got that? From his parents. If Ash was able to travel to the end of the world for that very same reason, then he believes he can do something like that as well. And the best part is that they understand. They get what Keirran is going through and they wish that he turned to them for help instead of going off the dangerous end on his own. I would have loved that, too, for reasons not specifically directed to Keirran's well-being but, you know, anything to get Meghan, Ash, Puck and Grimalkin in the picture ;)
Now Ethan, even though the guy can be a jerk sometimes; I do love reading the book in his perspective especially when it comes to Keirran and Annwyl scenes - I just can't help it, no matter how dire the situation they might be in, it's really hilarious being in Ethan's head. But it's also very touching when he thinks about his older sister, Meghan. I hurt for the guy. I love the parts where he let's down his cool persona and allow himself to think about the little guy who was left by a sister he very much adores. It's obvious how much he loves her and how much he long for Meghan to come back to them. But Meghan is now bound by a great duty, one that includes leaving her family behind for their own protection.
The Iron Traitor is definitely action packed and of course there are the characters from the previous series present which made this book much more exciting. I've been looking forward to the time when the prophecy will finally happen but.. damn, what was that? So you've probably guessed it already. I finish this book and, yes, more. I just want more.
PS - I heart Razor. That last part with Keirran? Ouch.
*Thank you Netgalley and Harlequin TEEN for the ARC.
Razor is thebomb.com lol xD I agree with you the world Julie Kagawa has crafted is unparalleled and I don't think I'll ever get tired of reading more stories. I will always want more Meghan and Ash and Puck. That part with Kierran though yeah ouch times infinity.