Longest week EVER! Summer classes started last Wednesday *pout* but I’ve been exhausted days before it. On Monday I have something I needed to do at school but woke up late so I only managed to grab 3 – three! – Grapes for breakfast in my hurry to go. Around noon I decided to go to my mom’s office and ask her the money I needed for my enrollment but was caught in traffic which made the usually 15-minute travel an hour. When I arrived, I didn’t have much time left to grab lunch so I just hurried back to school, paid my fees at the business office then met up with my co-officers for our club meeting. At 3PM I excused myself from the meeting for another school related appointment (it was kind of a debate) which I did not expect to last for THREE. HOURS. I FINALLY had my breakfast AND lunch at 6PM. At the end of the day, I had a massive headache.

Tuesday was a holiday so I was 100x relieved. That was the only time I found for reading because the days that followed were as hectic. My schedule is so tight that I can’t get enough time for blogging and reading – even at night! My class starts at 10AM and ends at 7.30PM with one and a half hour break in between three subjects.
I was really looking forward for some not-school-related business this Saturday that I decided to make a to-do list the night before so I can finish as much work as I can the following day. That list turned out to be unnecessary since I only managed to cross out one from it. The leadership orientation which I thought would only last for a couple hours or probably the whole morning turned out to be a whole-day activity. My head hurts too much to do anything afterwards which meant I wasn’t able to blog, much less write a single review.

ON A POSITIVE NOTE. At least I got to be a free teenager on the first week of April and I was very happy to have read 7 books before things got inevitably time-restricted. I just finished my 8th book which had the opportunity to sit on my currently reading shelf for almost a week before I finally reached the last page – a sure sign that everything else except school – or maybe that, too – would be slow going for now. *sigh* My only solution with regards to blogging is to schedule my posts earlier – not a very easy feat for me since I can be the queen of procrastination and I’m not really used to scheduling anything in my blog except tours and reveals. When it comes to my own posts – or anything else for that matter, I prefer spontaneity. But, well, that can be changed. Starting now.
Okay. Now I’m off to do a report, study for my two quizzes tomorrow, write a review, schedule a post, etc. etc. Sounds like a perfect summer to me :)